Export End of Semester Assignment Grades From Brightspace to Excel

Made by Deb Hatland with Scribe

This guide provides a process for exporting end-of-semester assignment grades from Brightspace to Excel, ensuring that educators can easily manage and analyze student performance data. This creates a clean and organized spreadsheet for archiving purposes.

1. Navigate to the course where you want to archive the grades.

2. Access the course grades.

3. Click "Export"

4. If you have a merged course you may want to save the grades by section rather than All users. If so, click the chevron to the right of all users and change it to sections.

5. Click "Apply" and then make all necessary adjustments to the information under Key Field, Sort By, Grade Values, User Details.

6. Review the chosen content under Choose Grades to Export. Click "Export To Excel" or Export to CSV.

7. Click "Download"

**Tip: ** It is recommended that you save your document to a folder designated for the course or for final grades.

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