Releasing the current course grade to your students

Made by Deb Hatland with Scribe

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to release the current course grade to students. By following these steps, instructors can easily navigate through the platform, enter grades, and save and distribute them to students. This guide is essential for instructors who want to efficiently communicate course progress to their students.


1. Navigate to the course homepage where you wish to release course grades.

2. Click "Progress".

3. Click "Grades".

4. Click "Enter Grades".

5. Click the chevron to the right of "Final Calculated Grade".

6. Click "Enter Grades".

7. Click this checkbox to the left of "Last Name/First Name" if you want everyone in the course to see their current grade.

8. Click Release/Unrelease.

9. Confirm the Release column boxes are checked for everyone. If you have a large class, you may have to make sure the following pages of names are checked.

10. Click "Save and Close" in the bottom left corner of the page.

11. Click "Yes"

12. Confirm there is an open eyeball next to the grades posted under Final Calculated Grade. This is the symbol confirming the student can see their grade.


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