Making your course available/unavailable in Brightspace

When courses are initially loaded into Brightspace, by the registrar’s office, they are unavailable (not active) to learners. They automatically open (become active) 2 weeks before the course start date. They automatically close (become not active) 4 weeks after the course end date.

For your learners to be able to access your course in Brightspace on a different schedule, not only do you need to make it available (active), but you also will need to change the start date of the course.

Making a course available (active):

  • Go into your course
  • Click on Course Admin
  • Click on Course Offering Information
  • Scroll down and click on Course is active
  • Click Save

Making the course open for learner access:

  • Go into your course
  • Click on Course Admin
  • Click on Course Offering Information
  • Scroll down to the Start date of the course
  • Change the date to when you want your students to be able to get into the course
  • Click Save

Please do not change the course end date. If learners have course extensions that information will be given to the Brightspace administrator by the registrar’s office. The Brightspace administrator will make the necessary changes so only the student with the extension has access to the course.