How to export final grades from Brightspace to Banner (Tower)

Made by Deb Hatland with Scribe

This guide provides a step-by-step process on how to export final grades from Brightspace to Banner (Tower). By following these steps, users can easily transfer grades between these platforms, saving time and ensuring accuracy in the grading process.


1. Access the course where you wish to submit final grades.

2. Click on Progress.

3. Click on Grades.

4. Click on Export to SIS.

5. If you are submitting final grades for the class, make sure everyone's name is selected. Make sure Final Grade is selected for the Grade Type.

6. If you are submitting individual student grades, make sure only the students you are grading are selected.

7. Go to the bottom of the page and click Export.

8. Confirm your exports are successful. Confirm the Grade Type is correct.

Alert: Alert! Your final screen will confirm if the grade export was successful or excluded for each student.


Made with Scribe