OneDrive & Teams - File Sharing
Beginning February 23, 2024, the default file sharing setting in OneDrive and Teams will be to share with specific individuals rather than to generate links that anyone can use.
- To send to a few individuals, enter their names in the top box (green), add a message if you'd like, and hit Send.
- To get more options, click on People you specify can view (orange)
That will bring you to the following screen:
Options shown above
Anyone: Anyone in the world, even if they don't have a Taylor University login, can use the generated link and open the file.
People in Taylor University: you can send someone a link, but they have to login with an account to use it.
People you choose (default): you must enter names (auto-complete works here) of those who should be able to open the file.
Can view: Used in conjunction with the above settings to control whether the selection of people above can view only or view and edit.
Block download: gives some ability for you to limit what can be done with the file. This is functionally very limited, so don't assume clicking this prevents all over-sharing.
Make sure to click Apply!