Log into Zoom using Single Sign-On

To log into Zoom using Single Sign-On

Launch the zoom program on your computer

If you are already logged in using a local username/password (not the Taylor login), use these steps to log out and then log back in using Taylor credentials.

  • In the top right window of zoom, click on your picture or initials and pick “Sign Out”

You should be taken to a login screen (below) and pick the “Sign In” option.

On the sign in screen, pick the “SSO” option from the bottom (see below)

When you get to the “sign in with SSO” screen, if you have a box called “Company Domain”, type in “TaylorUniversity” into the box (without the quotes). Note, if it says email address, click the text just below the box that says “I know the company domain” and then it will switch to a box called “Company Domain”.

If prompted, sign into your Taylor account as you normally do. Depending on if you are logged in, it may bring you right past these screens, or you may just select your email address from a list, but log in as you do for other Taylor University Single Sign on applications.

On some computers, once you log in, you may be prompted with this message. If you get this prompt, check the box to "Always allow tayloruniversity.zoom.us to open links of this type" and select the “Open Zoom Meetings” button.

Zoom should now launch and you should be logged in using your Taylor single sign-on credentials.